
Configure Appointment Details

You can book an appointment in different ways. There are only a limited number of appointments each day, and we take them on a first-come, first-served basis.

By phone

Call 0115 950 1854 after 8am to book an appointment. The receptionist will ask why you need the appointment to make sure you see the right person.


Cancelling an appointment

If you can’t make it to your appointment, please let us know as soon as you can so someone else can use it. You can cancel by phone or in person.

Call 0115 950 1854. Please call after 9am if possible. If your appointment is before 9am, please call as soon as you can after 8am.

Patients who miss appointments without cancelling may not be able to book future ones.

Online appointments

You can also book online appointments using SystmOnline by using this link: SystmOnline Login.

To get you username and password, you will need to speak to our reception team.

Urgent appointments

70% of our appointments are for urgent, same-day care. To book one, call 0115 950 1854 from 8am.

For non-urgent appointments or test results, please call after 11am to help us manage calls better.

Enhanced Access appointments

We offer evening and weekend appointments, either at this practice or another NHS practice nearby, through the Enhanced Access service.

Additional appointments are available: 

Monday – Friday from 6.30 pm – 8pm 

Saturday from 9am – 5pm

This is not a walk-in service. Speak with reception to book an appointment.

The service is supported by GP+ Nottingham City.

Home visits

If you can’t come to the practice because you are housebound or too sick, you can request a home visit. Call reception before 10:00.

Your doctor will decide if a visit is needed and how urgent it is. You may need to explain your condition.

You may also get a home visit from a nurse or health visitor, depending on your needs.


If you use sign language, we can arrange for a British Sign Language interpreter. We also provide interpreters for patients whose first language is not English. Ask when booking your appointment.


If you’d like a chaperone during your appointment, let your doctor or nurse know. They will be happy to help.

Chaperone Policy


Doctors at this practice cannot sign passport forms or firearms licenses.

Message from the practice  

We know it can be hard to get an appointment right now, and we understand your frustration.

Like many other practices, we are facing a lot of pressure. More people in Nottingham need care, but funding hasn’t increased to match the demand. This means we cannot hire as many staff as we’d like to give appointments faster.

To help with this, we may refer you to other services that can meet your needs quickly. We are always looking for ways to improve and provide the best care we can, despite these challenges.